2nd Paul Walden Symposium Program

October 1, 2001


Dr. Pēteris Trapencieris (President of the Latvian Chemical Society; Riga, Latvia): Introduction

9.40 Professor Jānis Stradiņš (President of the Latvian Academy of Sciences; Riga, Latvia): “Wilhelm Ostwald and his collaborator Paul Walden in Riga (1881-1887)”
10.15 Professor Reinhard Brückner (Freiburg, Germany): “Enantioselective synthesis of 5-membered ring lactones and applications thereof in synthesis”
11.15 Coffee break
11.30 Professor Emīlija Gudriniece, Paul Walden’s Medal winner in 2000 (Riga, Latvia): “1,3-Indandione in organic synthesis”
12.15 Professor Ojārs Neilands, Paul Walden’s Medal winner in 2000 (Riga, Latvia): “Aryliodonium betaines of b-dicarbonyl compounds: synthesis and use for dioxocarbene generation”
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Professor Peter Somfai (Stockholm, Sweden): “Regio- and stereodivergent synthesis of vic-amino alcohols”
15.00 Coffee break
15.15 Professor Mikael Bols (Aarhus, Denmark): “Stereoelectronic substituent effects on the basicity and conformation of amines and on the reactivity of carbohydrates”
16.15 Guided tour of the Professor Wilhelm Ostwald monument

October 2, 2001

9.30 Professor Edvīns Vedējs, Paul Walden’s Medal winner in 1997, (Ann Arbor, USA): “Synthesis of hindered peptides; a total synthesis of hemiasterlin”  
10.30 Coffee break & Poster session
12.00 Professor Hans J. Reich (Madison, USA): “Structure and reactivity of organolithium reagents: epoxide opening and conjugate addition”
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Professor Miguel Yus (Alicante, Spain): “The arene-catalyzed lithiation: new synthetic adventures”
15.00 Closing
15.15 Visit to “Grindeks” facilities