Professor Alexandre Alexakis (University Geneve, Geneve, Switzerland)
“Recent developments in asymmetric organocopper chemistry”
Professor Jan-Erling Bäckvall (Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden)
“Extending the scope of asymmetric transformations in combined enzyme and metal catalysis”
Professor Irina Beletskaya (Moscow University, Moscow, Russia)
“Transition metal catalyzed reactions of carbon-carbon and carbon-heteroatom bond formation”
Professor Yuri Belokon (Nesmeyanov Institute of Elementoorganic Compounds, Moscow, Russia)
“NOBIN, TADDOL, and Bis-TADDOLs mediated reactions of enantioselective intermolecular C-C bond formation”
Professor Remir Kostyanovsky (Institute of Chemical Physics, Moscow, Russia)
“Stereochemistry – science of all sciences”
Professor Kilian Muñiz (Louis Paster University, Strasbourg, France)
“Transition metal catalysed diamination of alkenes”
Professor Carmen Nájera (University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain)
“Cyanhydrin-O-phosphates: Synthesis and applications as chiral building blocks”
Professor Olof Ramström (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)
“Dynamic combinatorial resolution: a new method to adaptive enrichment”
Professor Andrei Yudin (Toronto University, Toronto, Canada)
“Amphoteric molecules in chemical synthesis”
Professor Miguel Yus (University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain)
“Asymmetric catalysis: Synthesis of chiral tertiary alcohols”